Hello, I'm Tyler!
I build fun stuff on the web and write about it.
I'm a developer aiming to build things that
spark joy
I believe software should be great for everyone - those who write it and those who use it - and that bringing joy to problem-solving is the key to that.
Check out some of my most recent projects!
Introducing Crimeseen Streamlining Crime Scene Reporting for Law Enforcement.
4 min read
Crimeseen is a fully responsive, mutipurpose and premium RMS System.
Aerolt The Ultimate Developer Tool for Risk of Rain 2
2 min read
RoRCheats ReWrite Aerolt! New UI, New Features! Best Debug Kit with UI!
The Ultimate Cheat Menu for Risk of Rain 2
2 min read
This Cheat menu is for having some fun in game by breaking the game or testing out items etc
Hj Updater API
6 min read
How code and structure are organized.